We made it! After two LONG days of travel we are finally here in New Orleans, LA. There are 19 of us on this team from NWC, and we are partnering with a few other groups to do some cleanup prjects in areas affected by Katrina through an organization called Urban Impact. We do not know many details about what this week will entail, but we'll try to keep you updated day by day (no promises).
I can tell about where we are staying. Urban Impact owns a house that we are all staying at. It is painted yellow - therefore named the "Yellow House." It is an old southern home with steep spiral stairs that lead up to bedrooms that are packed full of homemade bunkbeds. The room where most of us NWC girls are staying has 3 sets of bunkbeds with 3 layers of matresses on them... do that math and that is room for 9 girls. Plus those who have blow up mattresses on the floor. PACKED!
After we got settled in the Yellow House, a group went to Walmart to get supplies for sandwhich lunches and the rest of us walked around outside and found a nice pizza shop called Slice and ordered pizza for the gang. They gave us quite the discount, at least $20 off plus a free t-shirt! Perhaps we will go there again! Delicious!
A picture of us eating the delicious pizza! Yum!
On our way to Slice, a homeless man in a wheel chair stopped us and talked to us. It was interesting to hear his thoughts, and we invited him to come grab a slice of pizza with us, but he declined. He did allow us to pray for him and then he was on his way. Living in the dorms at school, we are never really presented the opportunity to talk with and pray with the homeless, but God had us dive right in!
Well, breakfast is at 7am, and Lord knows that I am not a morning person, so I had better get my sleep while I can! -- Perhaps tomorrow night I will pass the computer onto another team member, so many perspectives will be heard from on this blog.
Please be praying for our team. Pray that we will be flexible with our time and with out expectations. Pray that we remain healthy throughout the week. Pray that Satan will not block our hearts from the desire to serve. Pray that we won't be a burden to the people at Urban Impact. Pray that the locals will be open to having us there.
Thank you, and good night!
A picture of the whole team at 6am on Saturday morning before we got in the vans for the long road trip.
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